Mudita School Thailand

Our School stands out among the many schools in Mae Sot for its close-knit community.  It is more than an educational institution; it is a global learning community where international volunteers, local teachers, and students of all ages live, learn, and work together. This harmonious environment fosters safety, acceptance, and mutual respect among all members. 

This year, Mudita School has experienced a remarkable surge in enrollment, growing from fifty to ninety students. Our reputation for providing a nurturing and high-quality education has spread throughout the town, resulting in a waiting list of over one hundred fifty students eager to join our community. This influx underscores the growing demand for the unique and supportive environment we offer

As all our students are refugees from Myanmar who have had traumatic experiences in the past, it is essential to provide a secure home with a nurturing atmosphere.

We are also proud to announce that we have submitted our papers for the official registration of the Mudita Foundation as a Thai foundation. This crucial step paves the way for future expansion, including the acquisition of new land and the construction of a large school complex. With this official recognition, we are poised to unlock numerous possibilities for growth and development. These highlights reflect our unwavering commitment to fostering a supportive, innovative, and sustainable educational environment. As we look ahead, we are excited about the various opportunities that lie in store for Mudita School and the wider community we serve.


Holistic Pedagogy and

Project-Based Learning

Our unique teaching approach emphasizes on a holistic school environment and project-based learning methods. Unlike many other schools in the area with large class sizes of up to seventy, we maintain small classes of no more than twenty-five students, each supported by three teachers. This setup ensures weaker students receive the inclusive support they need and creates a remarkable class atmosphere where students from three different grades work and
learn together in one classroom.

Our project-based learning approach focuses on teaching life skills and community service. Students engage in various activities, such as handicrafts, gardening, global citizenship, and Website design. They take on responsibilities and organize life-relevant projects, such as business ventures and family support initiatives. Moreover, we place particular emphasis on environmental care. Our flower gardens and lush green fields surround the classrooms and create a beautiful and nurturing learning environment, which emphasizes our responsibility for nature and sustainable practices and has earned us the title of a green eco-school. 



The new Mudita School Mae Sot offers classes for three educational levels. Primary-, Middle- and Highschool. Our teaching concept hasn’t changed much. Engaging project-based learning and International exchange programs are as much part of our education program as eco-farming and traditional dance classes. The large variety of subjects and challenging projects let the students grow their personalities and enhance their life skills. At present we have around 40 Students from the age of 5 to 18. Our 6 Teachers are committed to offering quality education in a safe and warm learning environment .

Find out more about what we do in our grades here:
Primary School
In the primary school, we have 25 students supported by three teachers—two local teachers and one international volunteer teacher. The presence of volunteer teachers from abroad brings an international perspective and open-minded attitude to our classrooms, enriching the learning experience and providing valuable teacher training for our local staff. The learning environment in our primary school is designed to be nurturing and family-like. Many of our students come from difficult backgrounds, having experienced the civil war in Myanmar or the loss of family members. It is crucial that they find a safe and secure place at Mudita School where they can relax, play, and enjoy their childhood. To support their emotional and physical well-being, we incorporate numerous art classes where students can dance, sing, and play, fostering a welcoming and joyful atmosphere. Additionally, we emphasize outdoor activities through community service, such as planting vegetables and caring for the flower garden. These activities help students reconnect with nature and find peace and stability in their surroundings. Our curriculum blends the traditional Burmese school curriculum with modern educational approaches in subjects like science, mathematics, and especially English. We utilize materials from the Cambridge University curriculum for English and have integrated five different grades into our primary school structure (grades 1 to 5). When we started two years ago, many students had never attended school before, while others had some experience in the first or second grade. Despite these varied starting points, our intensive and inclusive teaching methods have allowed us to progress quickly. For example, in English, we have advanced to using grade four materials within two years, completing two books per year due to our focused and supportive environment. The integral teaching approach, where stronger students help weaker ones, fosters a family-like atmosphere and inclusion. This method, combined with our three-teacher model, allows us to provide intensive care and break large classes into smaller groups for more personalized attention. Our use of outside classrooms, surrounded by flower gardens and the eco-farm, provides a dynamic and engaging learning environment. A significant part of our curriculum is the teaching of ethics through civil education. This subject focuses not only on hard skills but also on soft skills, emphasizing personal development, character building, and the cultivation of good values and attitudes from an early age. This approach is central to Mudita’s philosophy, aiming to nurture both the inner qualities of our students and their role in the community.
Middle School
In our middle school, we have 20 students ranging in age from 12 to 14, covering grades six to eight. These classes prepare students for the final years of high school by introducing more demanding subjects as part of a standard middle school curriculum. While students engage in enjoyable activities like project-based learning and international cooperation, they also face progressively challenging academic work. Our project-based learning integrates multiple subjects into collaborative projects. For example, in biology, students learn about biodiversity and the nutrition cycle in theory and then apply this knowledge practically on our eco-farm. Students also develop practical skills through handicrafts, such as knitting and basic woodworking. Additionally, they gain essential life skills in computer classes, learning to use Microsoft Office programs, computer programming, and various online applications. As students progress, their English proficiency improves, allowing many subjects to be taught in English using content from the curriculum of our international partner schools. This alignment facilitates collaborative projects with partner schools in Germany, including regular Zoom classes and cultural exchange activities. These projects emphasize global citizenship and help students make international friends. One popular activity is cooking classes with our international schools, where students cook German meals and exchange Burmese recipes. These sessions provide a fun way to learn about different cultures and foster communication and understanding. Our holistic teaching approach blends traditional values and methods, such as handicrafts and eco-farming, with modern education from our international partner schools. This combination ensures a balanced education that engages students physically, emotionally, and intellectually. The integration of traditional and modern education ensures that our students are well-rounded, culturally aware, and equipped for their future endeavors.
High School
In our high school, we have 14 students supported by one specialized teacher for each subject and an assisting international volunteer teacher. Our high school program follows the General Education Development (GED) curriculum, offering an internationally recognized diploma. This opens doors for our students beyond Myanmar and Thailand, allowing them to pursue higher education and career opportunities globally, including in countries like Germany, Australia, and Thailand. The GED curriculum includes four main subjects: Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and English Language Arts. As an international program, all subjects are taught solely in English. This high standard of education prepares students for the final GED exams, which are conducted at international test centers. To support this rigorous academic program, we prepare our primary and middle school students to build a strong foundation in general knowledge and English proficiency. By the time they reach high school, they are ready to engage fully in the GED curriculum. Our international standard facilitates collaboration with partner schools such as the Community School, HPC International School from Heidelberg and PREM School from Chiang Mai. We have regular Zoom classes and use Google Classroom for joint assignments and discussions. This collaboration extends to teaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing personal, social, and emotional growth alongside academic excellence. The holistic approach of our partner schools, which focuses on developing strong character and social skills, aligns well with our own philosophy. Together, we create informed and compassionate global citizens who are engaged in community service and charity activities. This shared commitment is reflected in projects like the family support program, where students support refugee families in need. In addition to core subjects, our high school students participate in community service, taking on leadership roles in designing and maintaining the school's gardens and outdoor sitting areas. They also engage in art classes, creating beautiful wall paintings, pottery, and art installations that enhance the school environment. Sports and physical activities are integral to our program, with students using the football and volleyball fields for exercise and recreation. Music classes, where students play guitar and sing together, further foster a sense of community and create a vibrant school atmosphere. Overall, our high school curriculum at Mudita School blends challenging academic preparation with practical life skills, creativity, and community engagement. This comprehensive education equips our students to become successful, compassionate leaders ready to make a positive impact in the world.


We understand that complete health and well-being are best achieved through a holistic approach to body, mind and soul. We look after the children’s health and physical well-being. In our civil education program, the students learn about hygiene, food and healthy living. Yoga and mindfulness classes round up our health program, which not only produces healthy kids but also creates lots of joy and happiness in their lives.


Eco-Farm and Sustainability

The nature-bound, holistic approach is also applied to our external living conditions. In addition to our educational initiatives, we have established a large eco-farm, transforming our school into a vibrant park. This eco-farm, adorned with beautiful flower gardens and abundant vegetable patches, supplies fresh produce to our community daily. It stands as a symbol of sustainability and self-sufficiency, enriching both our diets and our surroundings.

Every Thursday and Friday the Students go out on our school farm to learn about nature firsthand. In the classroom, we discuss topics like biodiversity and the nutrition cycle.

Theory and practice go hand in hand at Mudita School. We are always extending our eco-program and are building a large Permaculture Farm. Follow us on our social to see the constant  development.


Family Support Programm

The Family Support Program at Mudita School is a vital initiative that began in 2022. Recognizing the immense need for support among refugee families in Mae Sot, many of whom live in dire conditions, we launched this program to provide critical assistance and createstronger community ties. Mae Sot, a major hub for refugees from Myanmar, is home to thousands of displaced individuals living in rudimental bamboo huts, facing severe food insecurity, joblessness, and health issues.
The program serves a dual purpose: addressing the urgent needs of refugee families and offering our high school students opportunities for social engagement and charity work. This initiative is a cornerstone of our GED education program, particularly within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) curriculum, and involves collaboration with international partner

The Family Support Program involves several key steps:
1. Surveys and Data Collection
Our students design and conduct surveys to gather detailed information about the economic, health, and psychological status of refugee families. They document these conditions through video and photographs to create a comprehensive understanding of each family's situation.
2. Report and Analysis
After collecting data, students analyze the surveys and write detailed reports, which are then shared with our partner schools in Germany. This documentation helps our partners understand the needs and challenges faced by the families.
3. Foundations and Donations
Partner schools engage in fundraising activities, such as selling goods at markets or designing products in their classes. The funds raised are sent to Mudita School, and we collaborate via Zoom to decide on the most effective ways to allocate these resources.
4. Distribution of Aid
Based on the analysis and discussions, we purchase necessary materials and distribute them to the families. This support can include food packages, medicine, water filters, and solar panels tailored to the specific needs identified in the surveys.
5. Microfinance Program
To promote long-term sustainability, we have integrated a microfinance component. Suitable families receive training on business development and are given seed money to start their own businesses. Over six months, they repay the funds while receiving ongoing support and training. This initiative includes ventures like tailoring workshops, tea shops, and grocery stores, with progress closely monitored and additional training provided as needed.
6. Vocational Training
We offer vocational training courses, such as a three-month tailoring program, where participants acquire the skills needed to start their own tailoring businesses. This training is aimed at providing practical skills that can lead to economic self-sufficiency.
The cooperation within the Family Support Program started with one partner school but has now expanded to all three partner schools in Germany and Thailand. This expansion allows us to support more families and develop a stronger, more resilient community. By integrating this program into our curriculum and involving international partners, we aim to create compassionate, globally aware students who actively contribute to improving the lives of those around them. The Family Support Program exemplifies our commitment to holistic education, combining academic success with social responsibility and community service

Youth Program

In response to a significant influx of young Burmese refugees fleeing the civil war in Myanmar, Mudita School has established a comprehensive youth program. The military junta in Myanmar has implemented conscription to draft young people into the army due to the enormous casualties among soldiers. These young individuals are forced to serve in the military, participating in conflicts they wish to avoid. To escape this dire situation, many young people
have fled the country, seeking refuge in Thailand. In Mae Sot, especially in the area around our school, hundreds of young people have settled, building simple shelters and living in cramped conditions. For example, a group of around 25 young individuals live together in a single bamboo hut near our school. These refugees have heard of the good reputation of Mudita School and are seeking education and support, having had to abruptly end their university or high school education. Recognizing their needs, we have expanded our educational offerings with a new two-story community center. This center provides youth programs, vocational training, and various seminars for the young refugees and their families, aiming to support their educational and personal development.


What is the Plan??

Mudita School and the Mudita Foundation have made significant strides in just two years, creating a profound impact on the lives of Burmese refugee children and the broader community in Mae Sot. Through a tailored curriculum, project-based learning, and the integration of international volunteers, we provide students with both academic excellence and essential life skills, fostering a sense of global citizenship.

The rapid growth and success of our programs reflect our commitment to education and community service. Our new Community Center enhances this mission by serving as a hub for engagement and development. As we finalize the Thai foundation and look towards acquiring new land to build a larger educational complex, our vision includes expanding our reach to support more students, community members, and international volunteers.

In summary, Mudita School and the Mudita Foundation are dedicated to creating a nurturing, inclusive, and dynamic educational environment. We strive to build a future where every student is equipped with the tools to succeed, every family has the support they need, and the entire community can grow together in harmony and understanding. With these ambitious plans, we are dedicated to continuing our service to the community, extending our impact, and fostering a harmonious and understanding environment where every individual can thrive.

For more detailed information on our past achievements, please take a look at our Project Report 2024!

Project Report 2024








All our projects are based on two pillars; Our donors and volunteers. We simply cannot do this without your help, and the best way to help us is to work with us! Please take a look at our volunteering programs by clicking the link below and join us if you can.


Donation from our website is fast and secure. You can donate directly through your bank account, credit card, PayPal or PayDirect (Germany) accounts. Support us and feel the mudita within!


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