A travel report from Benedict Riegler Mudita association volunteer. In November 2017, volunteers of Mudita association did a 15 days round trip through Myanmar. The next tour will be organized by Myanmar Vision in February 2018.
In November 2017 I participated in a trip through Myanmar with a group of 10 people. It was an incredible experience where we got to know this amazing country from a local perspective, and also had the opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and find a deeper purpose in our trip.

For the group, including us as the Mudita volunteers, this first tour in November 2017 was a wonderful first experience of a new way of traveling, combining the discovery of this beautiful country and its people with mindfulness and humanitarian work. Mudita association is already planning a second tour with Myanmar Vision. If you want to discover the „Unseen Myanmar Tour“ by yourself, Myanmar Vision will warmly welcome you in next february.